Friday, January 27, 2012

A update form Nicole

Good morning! I want you to know that God is good ALL the time and ALL the time God is good! I have held off on telling you some of the specific details of David's condition that occurred early this morning. Partially because I wanted everyone to remain hopeful and partially because I could not bring myself to type the words. Then after a few hours of processing this morning I realized that Go...d has provided this incredible network of people who love us and care about our lives and most importantly will pray. So, I know I need to give you specific things to pray about! God is good ALL the time and ALL the time God is good!

Early this morning David went into acute renal failure (which means his kidneys shut down) They had to put him on dialysis. There is still concern about internal bleeding and various other things. He is on a ventilator to help him to breath and he has a feeding tube. He also has a chest tube. He is very heavily sedated and not able to communicate right now. God is good ALL the time and ALL the time God is good!

I have been prepped by the Intensive Care staff and my many medical friends(for which I am deeply grateful) that we are here in Miami for the long haul. This is not something that will take only a couple of days. David is in the fight of his life......but he is NOT fighting alone and neither am I. My heart is so full of love and gratefulness to each one of you. Your encouraging posts and your willingness to fervently get the word out and passionately pray is what is sustaining me.

In an effort to better communicate and to help people post things to their concerned network I will continue to update facebook. I am also going to add two more ways to get information and make a very specific request. Today I will be setting up a caringbridge site for David aka "Big Dave" this will have more information and personal reflections from me and pictures. I will also be setting up a text feature. This will allow me to quickly send out massive texts with specific praises and prayer needs. Both of these programs you will have to choose to opt into. More to follow on that later today! Finally, keep the prayers, posts, re-posts, encouraging notes and scriptures pouring in. In addition I have to ask that you ether do that by text or by facebook. My phone now has to be reserved for calls from the Haitian and Florida hospitals and medical staff and my family. My phone is ringing so much I can't call out. Please know that this is just to maximize my time in letting all of you know the most current information. Much love!See More

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