Tuesday, February 22, 2011

God is Working in Haiti!!

Yesterday we spend the day making improvements to the guesthouse - and we got the generator installed and it works great! We also visited a school in the community and got to meet all the kids there. There were 150 kids and 10 teachers all in very small rooms. The kids loved having us there!

Today is our first day working at the new property. We are taking down the front wall that goes around the land that was in very bad shape. Hopefully this week it will get put back up.

Yesterday we took a tour of the new property and after looking it over and talking it through, we knew that we had to demo a very large foundation and move a lot of dirt before we could start building. We felt that doing this all by hand with sledge hammers would just be too much and would take too long. So, we prayed at the property that God would provide the funds to rent a backhoe for a month. The cost to rent a backhoe for a month would cost around $5,000. We prayed that if this was God's will to have this backhoe that He would provide the money needed. So, we made a few phone calls back home and within 3 hours some very gracious people from our church donated a total of $7,000 to rent the backhoe and pay for the diesel fuel! God is so GOOD! We can't thank everyone enough for their generosity. We have been blessed daily by what God is doing here.

Tonight we are hoping to have Pastor NeNe, his family, and all the orphans over to the new property for a Bar-b-que!!

Thanks for all the prayers - God is listening, answering and moving in Haiti!

 The new generator!

The new property.

The wall that we are taking down and re-building. 

Working on the wall. 

Putting up the army tent.

Wall demo - we had most of it down in an hour!


  1. What an awesome site! God is and is going to do some unbelieveable miracles on this property. Thank you for all your hard work!

  2. Thanks for the pictures! What an awesome God we serve. To provide so quickly what you need and then some!!! So faithful!! Prayers for all of you. Enjoy the warmth and sun. We've got ankle deep snow where I am. Blessings!
