Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday & Sunday

Yesterday we worked on getting all the stuff we brought for the kids organized and put into backpacks. We will have the opportunity to give them the backpacks later this week. We also went and bought supplies that we will start using tomorrow to do some improvements on the guest house where we're staying.

The land where the new orphanage will be built has finally been purchased (Praise God!). We won't be able to start doing any demolition tomorrow, but we do hope to start working on it soon!

Today we went to church at Pastor NeNe's church. Even though we didn't speak the same language, we could still worship with them and clap along to the songs. It was awesome to see that even though they worship differently than we do, they still worship the same God we do! After church, we got to go to Pastor NeNe's house and see where the orphans are currently living. Even though they literally have nothing, they are still so happy! We couldn't be happier that we will be helping to build them a home!

We're very excited to see what the rest of the week will bring. Thanks for Praying!


  1. Thanks for the updates! Continuing to pray that God will use the team in a mighty way!

  2. Amen Jodi ~ Rufenacht's are praying for all and loving the pictures of the Gerken men!! Great job guys!
